Employment Opportunities

The Chicano Federation provides essential services to the most vulnerable members of our community. Our employees make a difference in the lives of the people we serve every day.

Open Positions

Interested candidates, please send resumes to HR@Chicanofederation.org with job title in the subject line
Children's Mental Health Licensed Clinician, $90k /yr (Updated 11/19/2024)
Early Head Start Home Visitor, $25-$30 /hr DOE (Updated 11/7/2024)
Community Engagement & Outreach Specialist, $21-$23 /hr DOE (Updated 10/28/2024)
Infant and Toddler Program Supervisor, $68k-$75k /yr DOE (Updated 9/10/2024)
Pre School Teacher, $26-$30/hr DOE (Updated 9/10/2024)